How to Clean Carpet After My Dog Poo on It?

How to Clean Carpet After My Dog Poo on It? Poo or any other call of nature is a phenomenon faced by many pets, including house-trained dogs. Therefore, it is an accident faced by the pets that will require you to clean the carpet to maintain hygiene.
However, cleaning the carpet to remove the poop may look challenging to some pet owners even though it is a simple task that cannot take much of your time. This article focuses on the carpet dog poo simple test that can help you clean the carpet perfectly to regain its original form of cleanliness.
How to Clean Carpet After My Dog Poo on It?

Step one: Remove the poo
When removing the feces, always ensure you wear your gloves. Then pick up the poo quickly to prevent it from forming deep stains on the carpet. You can use a baby wipe or paper towel to scoop the feces safely. After scooping, put the put together with the baby wipe or paper towel into a plastic bag, then safely dispose of them off to the pit latrine.
Step two: Arrange for a cleaning solution.
After removing the poo, it’s time to make a cleaning solution involving three ingredients cleaning products. These home cleaning products include a dishwashing detergent or dish soap and white vinegar, also called hydrogen peroxide. These detergents will help you remove the stains from the carpet.
Therefore, put one tablespoon of each detergent into a basin containing two cups of water. Always use bleach-free dish soap as it can generate toxic fumes when mixed with acids like hydrogen peroxide.
Step three: Run a sample test of the formula
After mixing the detergents with water, you will have to run a sample test of the solution. This will help you avoid the risk of the formula causing damage to your carpet. You will have to apply a small sample of the solution into an inconspicuous area. If no damage or discoloration is visible to the small area tested, then you can now freely use the solution to treat the area stained on the carpet.
Step four: Carpet treatment
When treating the stained area, always practice blot cleaning rather than rubbing. The rubbing method always drives stains on the carpet surfaces and sometimes goes deeper onto the fibers. This results in a bad smell and makes the stain difficult to clean. Therefore, disinfecting solutions or blot method is the most preferred method.
Using a clean cloth, blot the stained area while pouring a small solution into the cloth in a small amount. You can also use a spray bottle to pour the solution into the area. You will have to wait about ten minutes for stain remover to be absorbed perfectly with the carpet fibers. Then blot the area carefully until the liquids are fully absorbed with the cloth.
Step five: Dry up the stain
Rinse the stained area using another cloth and dry it using a paper towel. You can also consider scrubbing the set-in stains in the area using a brush. However, this is optional as it only applies if the stain has been set deeply into the carpet fibers. You can use distilled water when scrubbing and add two tablespoons of your laundry detergent.
This will create a perfect scrubbing solution for soaking the stained area for ten minutes. You can finally scrub the area using your brush after the soak, then rinse it and blot dry it with a clean cloth.
Step six: Treat the stubborn stains using ammonia
This optional method only applies to stubborn stains, especially if the poop stain resisted the cleaning detergents. In this method, you will apply two drops of ammonia and two drops of hydrogen peroxide into the scrubbing solution. Then use the solution to scrub the stained area. This technique, however, does not apply to wool carpets as it can discolor the carpet.
Step seven: Eliminate the odors from the cleaned carpet
To eliminate the odors, you will have to deodorize the area stained by applying baking soda and allowing it to sit for about ten minutes. Finally, remove the soda using a vacuum cleaner. You will now have your carpet clean.
What to Do When Dog Poos on The Carpet?

The best way to follow when your dog poos on the carpet is by removing the poo and cleaning the stained area using water and home cleaning detergents such as dish soap and hydrogen peroxide. This will make your carpet regain its cleanliness after blotting and drying.
What If I Did Not Wash the Carpet?

It is important to wash the carpet with home cleaning detergent and water. This will help you remove the deep set of stains from the carpet. Sometimes, the poop stains go deep into the carpet’s fibers, making it difficult to remove without washing; hence, it can cause a bad smell when assumed.
Therefore, it is always a good practice to wash the stained area of the carpet after removing the poop to enable it to regain its original cleanliness and hygiene.
Can Cleaning the Carpet Remove Germs & Bacteria from The Poop?

Cleaning detergents such as hydrogen peroxide solutions remove bacteria and many other germs from the stain. The white vinegar forms an acidic solution when mixed with water, killing all the microorganisms in the stained area.
How to Prevent Dog from Pooping on Carpet Again?

To prevent your pet from pooping on the carpet again, you can practice using a schedule in feeding the pet. This involves offering food to your dog following a consistent schedule. This will allow the dog to easily go to the potty about 20 minutes after enjoying a heavy meal.
Should I Throw and Replace the Carpet After Dog Poop?

No, cleaning the carpet after your dog poops on it is a simple step-by-step procedure. The poop mostly does not easily cause damage to the carpet. For this reason, you can easily remove the feces from the carpet and make it clean without worrying about throwing your carpet.
Cleaning dog poop from your carpet is sometimes challenging for many dog owners. However, this does not mean that it cannot be done or made easier to handle. The steps presented in this write-up will help you remove the feces safely without you getting bored or taking much of your time.