Do Bed Bugs Live In Carpets?
Do bed bugs live in carpets? Bed bugs, those small vampire creatures, are only thought to live in bed frames and mattresses. We are here to tell you that is not true. If only bed bugs could be rooted out by searching under a bed frame and killing them. If only.
Sadly, bed bugs can live in many places. They can live behind posters and even in carpets. Yes, those sly, little bed bugs can live in carpets. But why is this? Why don’t bed bugs just stay in mattresses?
Why do bed bugs live in carpets?
Mattresses tend to be placed over carpets. Few people have their mattress over a marble floor or tile. It just isn’t comfortable. So when bed bugs find their way into your mattress, they can crawl down to your carpet.
Once these vampires crawl down to your carpet, they realize that it is a nice place to live.
Carpets offer warmth and shade for the bed bugs. Two things they need most to multiply and strive, other than a good blood meal. The fibers in carpet also make for a good place to lay eggs.
And bedroom carpet is not far from a bed bug’s prey: you. When you walk along the carpet, they can attach themselves to you and bite you. And you will know a bed bug bite when you see one. They are small, red, and circular.
There will also be clusters of bites on you, not just one. This is because bed bugs are greedy with their meals. But there have to be ways to prevent bed bugs in your carpet, right? Correct. So let’s dive into that.
Preventing bed bugs from infesting your carpet
People hold on to the false belief that bed bugs only live in dirty places. That assertion has been proven false time and time again.
You only need two bed bugs to stumble into your home to begin an infestation. This is because of how easily and quickly they begin to multiply. It doesn’t matter if your home is dirty or clean, they will find a way in.
But there are some steps you can take to make sure bed bugs do not break into your home.
Take care of old carpet
Old carpet tends to be riddled with holes and cracks. These small entrances make easy pickings for an invasive species such as bed bugs.
If you notice holes or cracks in your carpet, make sure to seal them up, quickly. Sealing holes is difficult for regular people, so it is recommended to call a professional. Thankfully, carpet sealing professionals tend to be fairly inexpensive.
Vacuum as often as possible
People often underestimate the power of vacuuming. Vacuuming is actually considered one of the most efficient ways of preventing a bed bug invasion. Vacuuming sucks up dust, dirt, and bugs–especially bed bugs. Not only will you be preventing a bed bug infestation, but you will probably handle your allergy problem, as well.
Make sure the furniture you buy is bed bug free
Do not ever buy furniture without inspecting it. It tends to surprise people when they find out their bed bug problem began with new furniture.
Just a simple and quick inspection will usually suffice. Make sure to look under the furniture, around its legs, and under the cushions. You may look weird doing it in front of people, but at least you won’t be the one with bed bugs.
Deep clean your carpet
Everyone should deep clean their carpet every year. This keeps your carpet beautiful and free of bugs. Just rent a deep cleaner from a store and get to cleaning. No bed bugs can survive the amount of hot water and chemicals that come with a deep cleaning.
Do bed bugs live in carpets? – Conclusion
Bed bugs do in fact live in carpets. This can become an issue if you do not take the preemptive measures to stop them from invading. Those measure are listed above and include deep cleaning your carpet, vacuuming, and inspecting new furniture.
If you follow all those steps, you will never find a bed bug in your home. Because once a bed bug infestation begins, it is tough to take care of.